On Monday 18th November, Year 12 student Yuvraaj Dhugga invited 2 medical graduates currently studying at the University of Leicester, to talk about how to get into medical school.  Joe Cheema a graduate of Biomedical Science, who after a couple of attempts has got onto medicine and is now in his 4th year of study and Milkha Basra, who is also in his 4th year of study but is taking a year out of his medicine degree to study a Masters in Medical Research.

Joe and Milkha told us how you have to be determined to get into medical school as it may not happen on the first, second or third attempt. They explained that medical schools are looking for extracurricular activities as part of your application and these do not necessarily have to be healthcare based. Both Joe and Milkha are rugby players.  Joe spent a year as a volunteer in a care home handing out tea and speaking to residents. For his medicine interview he was able to draw on his experiences and what he had learnt.

We found out that being smart about who you apply to for your four UCAS options can improve your chances of success. Milka suggested everyone looks at https://www.medschools.ac.uk/media/2357/msc-entry-requirements-for-uk-medical-schools.pdf  and apply to the universities which play to their strengths; whether it is you interview well or you are good at practical activities. They suggested that you keep up to date with current affairs as you are likely to be asked how a current story impacts your work. Lastly think about the question, ‘Why doctor and not a nurse?’

Remember you can only apply for 4 university places for medicine but you can add a 5 choice from Allied HealthCare. Rachel from Allied Healthcare Professionals will be in on Tuesday 26th November in the Brookvale Conference Room at lunchtime to deliver a presentation. All welcome.

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