Brookvale Groby Learning Campus is part of a national network of schools called PiXL (Partners in Excellence). PiXL (Partners in Excellence) is a growing partnership of over 3000 schools and education providers. It emerged from the London Challenge in 2007 and has grown from 50 schools at its inception to present numbers. PIXL provides our community with a collaboration of school leaders; access to vibrant, purposeful conferences and networks of people complemented by online resources, training opportunities and development programmes to support the promotion of excellence for students in the campus. The PiXL Network supports our determination to do all we can to help improve life chances for young people through improved educational achievement and enhanced self-esteem in order to connect them to worthy progression routes in the next stage of their education.

Schools join PiXL voluntarily. They have recognised that at its heart there is a compelling moral imperative to support the promotion of excellence for students, to better their life chances through improved educational achievement and to always do its utmost for students, whatever their ability to bring them a better future and a brighter hope. PiXL is concerned with offering opportunities for all students to make progress in life on the basis of achieving good results and, through the Edge, by developing key life attributes.

PiXL has 3Cs that underpin their strategies – Currency, Character and Culture.

  • Currency – to support students to make the best progress they can in the subjects they are studying.
  • Character – is to equip students with the skills, knowledge and competencies, distinct from their academic work that will help them succeed in the future.
  • Culture – is about helping young people understand the importance of demonstrating kindness, showing respect and living without harm not just to those people who are like them but to people who are not like them: How we relate to people who don’t think the same way as us, or believe the same things, is a crucial skill that needs to be taught.

Below are some of the strategies we have launched so far.

We will continue to update this page throughout the year.