The Brookvale Groby Learning Trust

The Brookvale Groby Learning Campus Trustees hold responsibility for raising standards at the academy through setting a clear strategic vision and ensuring accountability, monitoring and evaluation of the academy’s performance. If you would like to find out more about governance or would like to contact the Chair of Trustees, please email the Clerk to the Trust Board via

Trustees have responsibility for all matters of policy and are accountable to the Members. The Trustees oversee the work of any delegated committees in line with the governance structure.

The governance structure is as follows:

  • The Members (5) meet once a year and are akin to the shareholders of a company. They have ultimate control over the Trust, with the ability to appoint some of the Trustees.
  • The Trustees (11) are the Directors of the Trust. This group meets five times per year and are responsible for the same three core governance functions performed by the governing body in a maintained school: setting the direction, holding the Headteacher to account and ensuring financial probity. The Trustees set the context within which the Education Standards Committee(ESC) and Finance and Operations(F & O) Committee operates.
  • The Education Standards Committee scrutinises the day-to-day work of Brookvale Groby Learning Campus including the progress of students, the quality of teaching and learning and the personal wellbeing of the students. The ESC includes representation from the Headteacher and members of staff.
  • The Finance and Operations Committee scrutinises the financial and operational business of the academy, through receipt of financial information to monitor the budget, and evaluates the impact of expenditure against academy priorities. It monitors expenditure and income and takes action to inform the Board if the budget position is not in line with the set budget plan. The Committee also plans ahead for future years by reviewing the priorities in the Campus Improvement Plan and accounts for factors such as pupil/staff projections, condition of the school and realistic lifespan of equipment/resources to determine potential pressures on the budget.

For more information about our governance structure and dates of meetings, please see the subpages on the right hand side.