Word of the Week is a weekly competition for all KS3 and KS4 students.

Write a sentence using this word, put your name on it and put it in the post box outside G1 for a chance to be this week’s Word Warrior and win a chocolate bar.


(adj) when something is done/chosen with great consideration and judgement

Synonyms: sensible, well thought out, well chosen, informed, intelligent, thoughtful


To analyse: The writer’s use of judicious facts and statistics help to highlight their point of view and support their argument.

To describe: He stared at the buffet table and his belly rumbled. If he was only allowed one plateful, he had to be judicious.


The Word Warrior for last week’s word – Nuance – is Tom Harrison 9MWO.
See Miss Chapman at break or lunch in room G1 or the English office for your prize.