There are new opportunities available in Teacher Careers Classroom.

Email Carers if you do not have access;

Mrs Beth Rumming, Careers Leader
E: or T: 0116 2879921 ext 321
Mrs Sarah Norton, Careers Advisor
E: or T: 0116 2879921 ext 328


 BAME Pioneers in Tech:

Linking Year 9 options to careers:

Subject Booklets:

 Apprenticeship Leaflets:

T Levels: A Teacher’s Guide:

General Resources:

Linking curriculum learning to careers:

The ‘What’s the Point?’ resource aims to help English and Performing Arts teaching staff to show students the explicit links between their curriculum and the world of work.

This resource should help towards achieving Gatsby Benchmark 4.



The ‘Maths, Why Bother?’ resource aims to help Maths teaching staff to show students the explicit links between the maths curriculum and the world of work.

This resource should help towards achieving Gatsby Benchmark 4.


The ‘Science, Why Bother?’ resource aims to help Science teaching staff to show students the explicit links between the science curriculum and the world of work.

This resource should help towards achieving Gatsby Benchmark 4.



Discover our series of short and engaging films covering 12 school subjects and the many apprenticeship roles they link with.

Each film introduces a range of apprentice roles linked to the subject and outlines some of the tasks you could expect to be doing in each apprenticeship.

CPD Opportunities

Higher Education: 

Teacher CPD webinars:

Mapper: Navigating Digital Career Tools:

CPD Linking curriculum learning to careers:

LLEP World Of Work Resources

How to use the LLEP Work of Work Resource – quick guide for Careers Leaders, Advisers & Teachers:

World of Work Booklet:

CPD: Embedding careers across the curriculum: 

CPD: What is Labour Market Information: 

CPD: Post-16 Destinations – a short guide to career pathways:

In year 11, our students choose what pathway they would like to take at Post-16. All options for college related courses (except Dance Schools) in Leicestershire are on PS16. All Year 11 students regardless of what kind of course or apprenticeship they want must have at least one application through PS16. If a student wants an apprenticeship they will have to search for one through apprenticeship websites and local events. Whilst students use PS16 to apply for their options, to write a reference and follow their progression with their applications, teachers have to log into eProspectus.

Tutor quick reference guide to writing a reference: 

Student Guide to the PS16 system: 

Inside the Professional Development Hub, you’ll find CPD on:
  • Navigating the UCAS process, including writing UCAS references and advising students on personal statements and the application process
  • Student finance, exploring fees, loans, repayments and the associated myths
  • Progressing to higher education, and how to help students get ready for their next steps
  • Other pathways, looking at alternative routes to higher education

Good Careers Guidance: 

Good Careers Guidance – A Handbook for Secondary Schools: 

Good Careers Guidance – Perspectives from the Special Educational Needs and Disability Sector: 

Governors: Careers Awareness

The aim of this module is to equip Governors with the knowledge needed to support and challenge, so that all students receive a high quality careers education.

As a Governor you have a key role in ensuring your school, special school or college not only meets their legal requirements, but also equips your students with the tools and knowledge to make informed choices about their futures.

The course includes a number of reflective surveys to help embed your learning and will take approximately one hour to complete.

Reading List

The Future of Work: 

Monthly Newsletter: 

Link between Careers Education and Mental Well-being: 


PiXL Future Bulletins

Cass Thompson Careers Adviser:

The Yeti:

Suzanne Pedro Careers Adviser:

D2N2 Gatsby Benchmark 4:

Gatsby Benchmark 4: Linking Curriculum Learning with Careers – rationale and ideas for approaches


Teaching by Learning Podcast

Welcome to The Teaching by Learning Podcast. This is an interview series based out of BGLC, which aims to delve into aspects of Teaching and Learning that sit high on the agenda of teachers and leaders throughout the education sector. Your hosts Ehsan Gill and Chris Bugh have collectively built up 25 years in the sector, in which time they have banked a wealth of knowledge, seen trends come and go and maintained their passion for the classroom.