YearTerm 1Term 2Term 3
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10R186: Sport and the Media
- The different sources of media that cover sport.
- Positive effects of the media in sport.
- Negative effects of the media in sport.

Written coursework tasks completed this term for submission.
R185: Performance and Leadership in sports activities
- Planning activity sessions.

R186: Sport and the Media
Coursework improved this term for re-submission.
R185: Performance and Leadership in sports activities
- Delivering sports activity sessions.
- Evaluating own delivery of a sports activity session.
Year 11R185: Performance and Leadership in sports activities
- Applying methods to support improvement in a sporting activity.
- Individual/team sport based practical.
R184: Contemporary Issues
- Issues affecting participation.
- Values in sport.
- Hosting major sporting events.
- The role of National Governing Bodies.
-Technology in Sport.
- Revision.
R184: Contemporary Issues
- Final exam preparation.