YearTerm 1Term 2Term 3
Year 7N/A
Year 8N/A
Year 9N/A
Year 10Component 1: Learning Aim A
Human lifespan development

- Main life stages
- PIES growth and development
- Physical factors affecting growth
and development
- Social and cultural factors affecting growth and development
- Economic factors affecting
growth and development
Component 1: Learning Aim B
Human lifespan development

- Physical life events
- Relationship changes
- Life circumstances
- Support for life events
Component 2: Learning Aim A
Health and Social Care Services and Values

- Different health care services
- Different social care services
- Barriers to accessing services
Year 11Component 2: Learning Aim B
Health and Social Care Services and Values

- Care values
- Reviewing own application of care values

Component 3:
Health and Wellbeing

- Factors affecting health and wellbeing
- Physical and lifestyle factors
- Social, emotional and cultural factors
- Economic factors
- Environmental factors
- The impact of life events relating to
relationship changes and changes in life
Component 3 (cont'd):
- Physiological indicators that are used to measure health
- Using published guidance to interpret data
- The potential significance of abnormal readings
- Lifestyle indicators
- Health and wellbeing improvement plans
- Obstacles to implementing plans