It is World Book Day on Thursday 1st March. To celebrate the day there are going to be a number of competitions to participate in for the chance to win prizes.


Tutor Time Quiz 

There will be a World Book Day quiz that will be completed as the tutor time quiz this week. The tutor group(s) that score the highest marks in this quiz will win a prize to share during tutor time next week.


Extreme Reading

Take a picture of yourself reading in the most extreme places. Submit your images to by Thursday lunchtime to be in for a chance of winning a prize. Please do not be so extreme that you are in danger – no prizes will be given for dangerous reading!


Book Cover Treasure Hunt

Around the campus on Thursday there will be 15 book covers hidden. You must make a note of which book the cover belongs to and where you found it. The first 20 students to get all 15 correct will win a prize. Answers should be brought to Miss Straw in G46 by the end of lunchtime on Thursday.


We look forward to you seeing you all partake in the World Book Day activities.


The English, Media and Literacy department