At BGLC our aim is to provide you with the most effective, yet simple to use tools available, and that is where Weduc comes in.
Weduc is a digital communication and engagement tool that has been designed specifically to improve the way that parents and school staff communicate.
Weduc will allow you to access all areas of Brookvale Groby life, such as the parent evening booking system, reporting your child’s absence, ParentPay and much more.
Weduc has an app for parents/carers to download onto your phone, making access even easier.
Weduc will become our only means of digital communication with you as parents/carers so it is imperative you register for this new service by FRIDAY 21st May 2021.
To register for Weduc please follow the simple steps being issued on a communication from the service itself.
If you have any questions or need support in setting up your account then please contact itsupport@brookvalegroby.com