TMET Consultation update – 2nd December 2024
Our school is the heart of our community and together, we can make a difference. We also celebrate collaboration and know that we are stronger when we work with others who share our same vision and passion.
You will have seen the increasing number of multi academy trusts over the last decade, and it is clear to us that working together with a group of schools can benefit our students, staff and wider community.
I have shared the challenges of recruitment, retention and finance with you several times and the risks this poses to our educational offer at BGLC. Joining TMET will help meet these national challenges and place our community in a stronger position, which will ensure our students’ education is the best it can possibly be.
The priority for us all is to enable our school to continue to provide an excellent education for our students, whilst protecting our ethos and identity. We believe by working together more closely with like-minded partner schools, we can achieve even greater things and provide an excellent educational experience in which all our pupils can thrive.
We have looked at a number of trusts, and we believe The Mead Educational Trust (TMET) is the best option for our school. Over many years, we have known the work of TMET and after an extensive period of due diligence our Trustees feel TMET aligns most closely to BGLCs vision, valves and ethos. Our Trust Board, therefore, is consulting on whether to become part of TMET in 2025.
The consultation is open to all, including our parents/carers, students, staff and the wider community and will end on Friday 10th January 2025. Following the completion of the consultation process there will be an opportunity for stakeholders to meet with Leaders and Trustees from both BGLC and TMET on Thursday 16th January 2025 from 4.00pm until 5.15pm in the Brookvale Hall.
Below are several links about TMET that may be of interest, when providing your feedback:
Our consultation feedback form can be found here.
We will also be sharing a FAQ in due course to address the most common questions and concerns that may be raised.
Will Teece