Student Wellbeing
The Department of Education have created eight principles to promoting a whole school
or college approach to mental health and wellbeing:
We work in partnership with students and their parents/carers to support health and wellbeing.
The NHS recommend the 5 ways to wellbeing:

At BGLC our Senior Mental Health Lead and Youth Mental Health First Aider is Mrs Varney.
We have Mental Health Champions:

Mind suggest a few ideas for how you can get active today:
- Go for a walk at lunchtime
- Walk into school – maybe you could go with a friend
- Get off the bus a stop earlier than usual and walk the final part of your journey to work
- Organise a sporting activity
- Have a kick-about in a local park
- Do some stretches before you leave for school in the morning
- If you’re outside at break/lunch, walk over to someone instead of calling their name
We have many varied sporting activities on offer, check out the enrichment page here:
We work in partnership with Hinckley and Bosworth Council and offer ELSA support for individuals, and wellbeing groups with active elements for different year groups each term.

We employ a mindfulness and meditation Life Coach, Sandy, to work with our young people. If you would like a 1:1 with Sandy, or to work in our groups, please email Mrs Varney E:
Teen Health come onto Campus every Monday. Our Wellbeing Officer, Alesha, supports KS3 and 4 students from 9-12.30, and works with Post 16 from 12.30-3.10pm.
If you’d like an appointment please contact Mrs Varney or Mrs Goddard.
Year 7 now has access to YouHQ. We are trialling with Year 7 in the first instance, before rolling out to other year groups. The website is here:
Students should Login with Google using their school email address. This is a wellbeing tracker, fully integrated with videos and support, personalised to their needs.

We are excited to announce that we now have 25 Year 12 students who have completed the Mental Health First AId England Awareness course. We’d like to make this an annual opportunity for our Post 16 students.
stem4’s award-winning mental health apps are available to download from the App Store and Google Play here:
We have many opportunities for our students to give back to the community:
- Join the Changemakers (our students council)
- Raise money for charity
- Become a Big Brother or Big SIster
- Organise a litter pick
- Introduce yourself to a new student, welcome them to our community
- Offer to support your peers if they are stuck on something in class
Our Post 16 students have some additional opportunities:
- Work with our Head Students and Changemakers
- Mentor our younger students
- Listen to our younger students read as a Reading Partner
- Volunteer in KS3 or KS4 lessons
- Become Mental Health Aware

Useful websites:
- MHFA England:
- Mind,1XMY,4LAA7,7AS8,1
- Self care:
- Information for parents/carers:
- NHS Audio Guides:
- Tellmi is an early digital mental health service for anyone over the age of 11 that is available across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland free of charge. You can visit the Tellmi website or download the app from your phone’s app store.