The older that you get the more important it becomes that you know how to keep yourself safe. Once at Secondary School you will become increasingly independent and adults won’t always be around when you find yourself in uncomfortable situations.
Knowing what to do and where to go for advice will help to ensure that you are able to keep yourself safe and also safeguard your friends. Within these pages are lots of useful pieces of advice about ways to keep yourself safe and where to find help.
The best advice
If you are concerned about your own safety, or that of a friend, the best advice is always to tell an adult.
Even as adults most of you will find that when you are worried about something you will talk to another adult – sometimes for advice, sometimes for help, sometimes just for reassurance. Being grown up doesn’t mean you need to cope alone or that you are expected to.
At home your parents, carers, older siblings or other family members will be able to help.
At school your tutor and Head of Year are a good starting point. But actually EVERY ADULT in the school is trained to support young people who come to them worried about their own or others safety, so if there is an adult you would prefer to talk to first, do that. Some staff have extra training and are called DSLs – Designated Safeguarding Leads. Their names and pictures are on posters all round campus and are also in this website section.
Face to face conversations are best but if you can’t face that an email will work. All your teachers have the same sort of email address so as long as you know their surname and initial you should be able to contact them.
For example:
Mr. Godwin is
Mrs Rumming is
Click here for the campus ‘Anti-Bullying Reporting Google Form’
Please use this form to let the Pastoral Team know about instances of bullying. This can be used to report problems that you are having and also bullying that you have seen but are not involved in.

Sexual Harassment
If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual harassment in school or anywhere else we want you to feel able to report what has happened and feel confident that it will be treated seriously. As with any concern, speaking to an adult is the quickest way to make what is happening stop.
However if you feel unable to cope with that approach you can fill in the google form attached that will go to an adult safeguarding lead who will deal with the situation. You will be invited to put your name on the form but you can submit is and remain anonymous if you want to.
Click on the link here to find and submit the form.
Confidential Advice
If you do feel that you really can’t talk to an adult that knows you well there are still a lot of places where you can get help and advice and where people will make you safe.
Your doctor – You are entitled to confidential advice from your doctor. They won’t tell people at school about your concerns if you don’t want them to.
Social Care – Sometimes young people worry about getting someone into trouble if they talk to a Social Worker. Actually the main job of a social worker is to keep people safe. Social Care have the advantage of being available 24 hours of the day and 7 days a week. If you are concerned about a friend they are a good place to seek advice or pass on a friends name. You don’t even need to leave your own name if you don’t want to.
In Leicestershire their number is 0116 305 0005
If you live in the City of Leicester the number is 0116 454 1004
- Childline – 0800 1111
- The Samaritans – 116 123
- NSPCC – 0800 111
In an emergency
If you are worried about the immediate safety of yourself or anyone else, call the police.
You can call 999 or 101
Useful resources for students
Here you will find useful guides covering general safeguarding topics and keeping children safe online:
- Facebook Safety Checklist
- Instagram Privacy and Blocking
- Peer Pressure For Young People
- Twitter Safety Checklist
- Sexual Harassment Form