March 2020 – BGLC Safeguarding Policy Addendum – Covid 19 School Closure
April 2020 – Guidance for safer working practice – Addendum
April 2020 – BGLC Safeguarding Advice for school closure
25.6.20 – New guidance published on keeping children safe from abuse and harm
25.6.20 Coronavirus (COVID-19): Support for parents and carers to keep children safe online
Keeping the young people of our campus safe is absolutely central to our work. The campus works hard to ensure that all students are highly educated in how to keep themselves safe both at campus and beyond.
A full safeguarding and child protection training programme is delivered to all staff on a three yearly basis. In addition there is refresher training at the start of each academic year and each member of staff receives a pack of information that they have to sign for. Updated information is distributed during the course of the year.
All staff have been given full PREVENT training in response to the government’s extremism agenda. Staff are fully aware on how to identify students who may be receptive to extremist grooming of all different types.
Staff who come to the campus part way through an academic year receive 1:1 training from the Safeguarding Lead and an information pack.
All young people on the campus are encouraged to talk to an adult if they feel that they,
or a friend, are at risk of harm.
Our campus safeguarding lead is Greg Godwin (Deputy Headteacher), supported by Elaine Freeman, PA to SLT, but in addition there are a large number of staff who are safeguarding lead trained including all Heads of Year, Headteachers and Deputies along with other staff. This enables us to ensure that there is always someone available for young people to turn to in a time of need.
On-line portal of information on extremism and radicalisation launched
The Government has launched a new on-line portal of information on extremism and radicalisation. It contains support for those who are concerned about someone with content for Parents, Teachers and School Leaders. The website and its content are available at
Controlling access to school premises
The DfE published guidance to help schools understand what they should do to remove someone who is on the premises without permission.
The department has confirmed that schools are private property. People do not have an automatic right to enter. Parents have an ‘implied licence’ to come on to school premises at certain times, for instance: for appointments; to attend a school event and to drop off or pick up younger children.
The DfE advises that schools should set out their rules for this and let parents and carers know what they are. Anyone who breaks the rules, would be trespassing.
Don’t be a ‘Money Mule’ – guidance from Leicestershire Police
Leicestershire Police need your help to warn young people about the dangers and consequences of becoming a money mule. Click here for their letter, warning you ‘Not to be Fooled’.
The links in the side panel will provide you with more detailed information on how the campus approaches safeguarding and how parents and carers can be supported if they have concerns.