Post 18 Options
Have you thought about your future?
Do you know what you want to do when you finish your A Levels?
Here are some options along with information and useful website to help you make your decision.
University Apprenticeships Higher Diplomas Art Foundation Degrees
Brookvale Groby Learning Campus Post 16 Centre has a long and successful history of supporting students with their Post 18 applications. The Post 16 Team have significant expertise in supporting students with their UCAS/Apprenticeship applications and have strong connections with LEBC for apprenticeships. Currently available apprenticeships can be found at the bottom of the page. Our KS5 Progress Leader, Mr Stephen Taylor-Fox, plays a key part in enabling early entry Oxbridge and medical sciences applicants who will have to make their UCAS application no later than October half term each year.
During the Spring and Summer term of Year 12, we will have external speakers present in assemblies on University and Apprenticeship pathways and tutors will focus on Post 18 options during their one to one sessions. We attend the annual UCAS East Midlands Convention which is held at a local university. All UK Universities and colleges are represented here with many apprenticeship providers and some overseas universities, also in attendance. This convention is a good starting point for our Year 12 students to kick start their research for their choices at Post 18. In March 2024 we visited the UK University and Apprenticeship Search Fair. Following the Fair, the recorded seminars can be found here:
The campus also runs its own annual Higher Education (HE) day and evening for parents. During the HE day students will be given a presentation by a local university, log on to UCAS and Apprenticeships websites and begin their applications. The extra evening is for parents and carers of students and will provide essential advice about UCAS applications and Apprenticeships and answer any questions. We work closely with local universities and apprenticeships providers to ensure that you get the most up to date information.

What happens at the start of Year 13?
As soon as Year 13 starts the pace quickens and students have to move fast to get their applications completed.
These key dates are essential:
- End of September – Pass your draft Personal Statement or CV to your tutor for checking.
- 15th October – Early entry (Oxford, Cambridge, Medicine, Dentistry, and Veterinary Science).
- Work with your tutor to get your UCAS/Apprenticeship application completed.
- Complete your application and pay/send which will pass it to your tutor for completion of your reference.
- ALL UCAS applications are to be completed by Christmas of Year 13.
- Apprenticeship applications deadlines are dependant on each vacancy, we aim to have students registered on website and with the LEBC by Christmas to ensure they receive the vacancies that arise directly.
We also advertise vacancies on the Careers Classroom.
Parent Talk – University Unpacked
The Parent Talk Brookvale.pdf was delivered by Leon Harris (University of Hertfordshire), explaining what students can expect from university, the UCAS application process, student finance, degree apprenticeships and how parents can support their child through this time.
Student Finance Explained: Student Finance England:
Interactive Student Apprenticeship Guide for Post-16 students considering apprenticeships.
BGLC Higher and Degree Apprenticeship video:
Here are some other useful websites for Post 18 choices:
Early Entry Programme
Oxford, Cambridge, Medicine, Veterinary & Dentistry
The Early Entry Programme runs from the first term of Year 12 until December in Year 13. 1:1 support sessions and mock interviews are organised after the application have been sent off on 13th October.
The Early Entry Programme is applicable to any students who are applying to Oxford or Cambridge University as well as any student who is looking to study either Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary science/ medicine.
Throughout the programme those Year 12 and Year 13 students will be given the opportunity to attend a range of meetings, visits to other colleges and universities, presentations and student-led groups to help them in their journey towards their application.
Throughout this journey, I will be in regular contact with students and parents to ensure that all students are given the best chance possible to achieve their place.
Mr Stephen Taylor-Fox
KS5 Progress Leader