Meet the SEND team!
At Brookvale Groby Learning Campus (BGLC) we have a dedicated team of staff supporting the achievement, progress and well-being of our SEND students. Our team is led by SENCo Mrs Michelle Tointon, who is supported by Assistant SENCO Mrs Kay Pratt, Clare West SEND admin support and Mrs Michelle Dale Lead LSA. We work closely together with the pastoral team and all staff on the campus to ensure that our students are happy at school, make progress and achieve the best outcomes possible.
As a team, we are responsible for:
- Liaising with students and parents to plan for the best possible outcomes for our students both socially and academically
- Liaising with schools and outside agencies to ensure that we have an excellent knowledge of our students and their needs
- Planning, updating and implementing the SEND strategy across the campus
- Delivering appropriate training for all staff on the campus
- Tracking data and monitoring progress
- Planning, delivering and monitoring the impact of interventions
- Deploying the funding we receive in a way that most benefits our students
- Working with faculty leaders to ensure that the curriculum is accessible and differentiated appropriately to all

If you have any questions about SEND at BGLC, please do not hesitate to contact our Campus SENCo:
- Mrs Michelle Tointon (SENCo) T: 0116 281 7054 (Direct Line) or T: 0116 287 9921 ext 288