We are delighted to announce that Brookvale Groby Learning Campus have recently been re-designated with The Equalities Award for the next 3 years. We first received the award in 2014. Re-designation is by no means a formality and any institution that wishes to maintain their accreditation has to supply significant evidence to demonstrate that they have a real commitment to achieving and maintaining equality for everyone.
All aspects of the equality agenda are explored and so the process of working towards the award is as useful for us in checking and developing our provision as much as for the prestige of being awarded it.
As a school that tries every day to live out our âValuing Everyoneâ motto we are proud to have been externally recognised in this way.

Pictured above (L – R) Mr Coles, Ms Rush and Mr Godwin
with the Equalities Award 2018 – 2021