All Y10 drama students to go to the drama studio P3 today to watch Y11 devised pieces.
7X4 Mrs Owen’s Lifeskills group should rotate on Monday p.5 to Computing . 7X3 should rotate from Music to Mrs Owen’s Lifeskills class p.5 in Brookvale Food room.
Campus award from the SSAT;
The Schools, Students and Teachers Network.

Brookvale Groby Learning Campus over the last two years has been involved in a national research project.
We were one of only 60 schools chosen out of hundreds to take part.
Over the two year period teachers met on a monthly basis to share ideas on how student learning can be improved through different forms of feedback. Teachers said that they saw students becoming more involved in their learning and ready to participate in class rather than relying on others. They also felt that students were more reflective and engaged with their feedback leading to greater confidence in learning.
The above photograph shows Mandy Bearne who coordinated the project handing the certificate from the SSAT to Katie Rush and Robert Coles.

Creative science club is on this Thursday as normal for years 7,8 , 10, 11. Normal room G21 straight after school. Mrs Tapp & Mrs Lyn
Years 7, 8, 10, 11 Creative science club is on again this week as normal. Thursday 3.15, G21 (the usual room). Remember to bring your permission slips for science club which is starting after creative science club finishes. Mrs Tapp & Mrs Lyn
Could the following students please meet Ms Lee in Groby reception at the beginning of lesson 4:
David Aucott
Henry Brown
Francesco Donnarumma
Frankie Johnson
Sibu Ndlovu
Reiyn Simon
Can the following students please see me at breaktime on Tuesday in the Art room at 11:00am
Jonah Whatley-Reynolds
Luis Parry
Manveer Mander
Lucas Spence
Aaron Chohan
Thanks Mrs Lynn
Are you in years 7,8,9,10 or 11? Do you love musical theatre or performing? If you do, and want to be involved in something new and exciting, join us in the Groby drama studio on Friday lunchtimes, starting the 22nd of September.
The club will be run weekly and is open to everyone, newcomers are welcome every week, whether you are a performing novice or beginner in the performance world…
Any questions please come find one of us (Molly Simpson, Rumell Chana, Alex Kidd, Kia Baker and Hannah Robinson) around school or email me;
OR Ask Mr Rayner, Mr Goodger or Miss Smith FOR MORE DETAILS