On the 11th November BGLC students who are part of uniformed organisations, took part in an
‘Act of Remembrance’ and held a two minutes silence at 11.00am.
We proudly displayed 81 mini wooden crosses, to represent each of the 81 fallen heroes, from within our local community. These crosses were displayed during the Remembrance Service along with the reading of the names of each person.
Happy Diwali and a Prosperous New Year, from all the staff and students at BGLC.
In recognition of Year 7s making a brilliant start to life at BGLC,
they were all awarded with a treat at the end of last lesson today.
they were all awarded with a treat at the end of last lesson today.
In July 2025, 18 students and 2 staff will be travelling to Borneo. Whilst there we will be involved in project work to help local communities such as building classrooms, toilet blocks and working on environmental projects such as tree planting. Students have been fundraising individually to pay their way for the trip, but we are currently raising the money to pay for the bus to the airport. Anything extra we raise will be used to buy school supplies that we will give out to the local children.
Anything you can give will be greatly appreciated – THANK YOU!