To all Key Stage 3 students


Applications to science club are now closed. We have had a fantastic and overwhelming response and currently have over double the number of students we were originally looking for. This is great and the science team are really excited!


Please can all students that have successfully signed up please attend a short meeting in B12 Monday 9th April at lunch time- please don’t eat first: it will be quick!


Corey O’Brien
Lester Mayes
Jagruti Lohit
Mia Lowe
Charlie Birtwisle
Marcel Musselwhite
Oscar Eddington
Josh Hamer
Alysha Verma
Henri Herbert
Finley Woolley
Tyler Dodge
Manav Karavadra
Charlotte Winkless
Owen Jenkins


Amaris Imir
Chloe Kirby
Isabelle West
Harriet West
Ria Gogna
Lewis Rae
Joshua Stone
Kez Findley-Patel
Millie Thomson
Harish Gogna
Oli Matthews
Jasmine Stone
Nathan Smith
Jessica Probert
Sophie Greet
Daisy Perry



Mrs Mawbey