Brookvale Groby Learning Campus is committed to ensuring that whenever its staff assesses students’ work for external qualification, this is done fairly, consistently and in accordance with the specification for the qualification concerned. Assessments are conducted by staff who have appropriate knowledge, understanding and skills, and who have been trained in this activity. The centre is committed to ensuring that assessment evidence provided by candidates is produced and authenticated according to the requirements of the relevant specifications for each subject. Where a set of work is divided between staff, internal moderation and standardisation will ensure consistency.

If a student/ parent or guardian feels that this may not have happened in relation to the students work, they may make use of this appeals procedure. Note that appeals may only be made against the process that led to the assessment and not against the mark or grade submitted by the centre for moderation by the awarding body.

This policy details the procedure regarding appeals by students relating to internal assessment decisions conducted by this centre (25206) and submitted to awarding bodies to contribute to GCSE, Applied GCSE, GCE or BTEC Award.

  1. This written appeals policy will be publicised via the examinations section on the school website. A paper copy can be obtained from the Examinations Office.
  2. This appeals policy will be reviewed annually by the Examinations Officer.
  3. The Examinations Officer will keep written records of all appeals and the subsequent decisions and will manage the internal appeals made.
  4. The candidate (making the appeal) if under 18 years old should be supported in the presentation of their case by a parent/carer.
  5. Appeals will be considered by at least three people; one of them whom will be the examinations officer and one other person who has not been involved in the internal assessment decision.
  6. The written record will include the outcome of the appeal and clear reasons for that outcome. A copy will be sent to the candidate.
  7. Candidates will be able to gain access to:
    a) The marks awarded to them for an internal assessment.
    b) All comments recorded by the school relating to their internally assessed work – feedback on grades / mark.
    c) Any correspondence relating to their internally assessed work between the school and the awarding body.
    d) Information, if available at the time of the appeal, as to whether the work was sampled by the awarding body.
    e) The moderated mark given by the awarding body, if known.
    f) Relevant awarding body procedures for the conduct of internal assessments.

Appeals Notifications Form