Year Term 1Term 2Term 3
Year 12Module 1: Development of
practical skills in physics

Module 2: Foundations of

Module 3: Forces and motion
3.1 Motion
3.2 Forces

Module 4: Electrons, waves
and photons

4.1 Charge and Current
4.2 Energy, power and resistance
4.3 Electrical circuits
Module 3: Forces and motion
3.3 Work Energy and Power
3.4 Materials
3.5 Momentum

Module 4: – Electrons, waves
and photons

4.4 Waves
4.5 Quantum Physics

Module 6: Part of health
Module 5: Cosmology

Module 6: Part of health physics
Year 13Module 5: Newtonian world
and astrophysics

5.2 Circular Motion
5.4 Gravitational Fields
5.3 Oscillations
5.1 Thermal Physics
6.1 Capacitors
Module 6: Particles and
medical physics

6.1 Capacitors
6.2 Electric Fields
6.3 Electromagnetism
6.4 Nuclear and Particle
6.5 Medical Physics
Revision and exam practise