Neurodiversity Celebration Week 21 – 27 March

From 21st March until 27th March 2022, as a school, we will be taking part in the “Neurodiversity Celebration Week”.  We hope that you, along with our school and community, will help us to “celebrate unique strengths and differences.” We are part of over 2000 schools and over 1.2 million students who are celebrating Neurodiversity this week; we hope that by sharing an understanding of Neurodiversity we can empower students to find their superpower and help them receive the respect they deserve.

Our celebrations will comprise a form time activity and PowerPoint and an opportunity to ask questions – we hope that by the end of the week, our students will be knowledgeable in the various differences, for example:

  • ADHD
  • Autism
  • Dyslexia
  • Dyspraxia
  • Tourettes Syndrome

We hope that you will feel able to support us this week, by chatting about Neurodiversity with your family, helping to make a positive difference, and sparking kindness and understanding.

We have a number of resources to support parents, carers and their families. For more information please click on the following links: