National Careers Week (NCW) is an annual event held in March each year.
National Careers Week is a celebration of careers guidance. The aim is to provide a focus for careers guidance activity at an important stage in the academic calendar to help support young people leaving education. Every year we have guest speakers in assemblies and do Career related activities.
National Careers Week hosts a virtual careers fair which has 100s of exhibitors you can visit. The website starts with a lobby and has four virtual floors of exhibitors.
You can visit the NCW website here: https://nationalcareersweek.com/
You can start your National Careers Week by completing this 5 minute activity:

Look out for activities throughout NCW in school and remember to read the NCW Powerpoint on your Google Careers Classroom.

The High Performance Podcast enables access to a wide range of Entrepreneurs, Athletes, Visionaries and leaders from across the world.
The infinite purpose of The High Performance Podcast is to reach more people everyday doing all we can to inspire them to live a more high performance life. We believe this provides a great platform and opportunity for young people to access these career journeys and life experiences. Career pathways are different for all. It can also show what is possible.
This website has a mix of videos and audio recordings: https://www.thehighperformancepodcast.com/podcast