Year Term 1Term 2Term 3
Year 12Module 2 - Foundations in Biology
Block 1A
2. 1 Cell structure
2.5 Biological membranes
Block 1B
2.6 Cell division, diversity and organisation
2.3 Nucleotides
Block 1C
2.2 Biological Molecules
Block 1D
2.4 Enzymes
Module 3 – Exchange and

Block 1E
Exchange surfaces and transport in animals
Block 1F
Transport in plants
Block 1G
4.3 Classification & Evolution
Block 1H
4.1 Communicable diseases
Module 4 – Biodiversity,
evolution and disease

Block 1G
4.2 Biodiversity

Year 2
Block 2B
5.5 Plant responses
5.6 Photosynthesis
Year 13Module 5 - Communication,
homeostasis and energy

Block 2A
5.1 Communication/Homeostasis
5.2 Excretion
5.4 Hormonal communication
Block 2C
5.3 Neuronal Communication
5.5 Animal responses
Block 2D
5.7 Respiration
Module 6 - Genetics and

Block 2E
6.2 Patterns of Inheritance
Block 2F
6.5 Ecosystems
6.6 Populations and sustainability
Block 2G
6.1 Cellular Control (4)
6.3 Manipulating genomes
Block 2H
6.4 Cloning and Biotechnology
Revision and exam practise