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At Home Careers Activities for Self-Reflection and Self-Development
These career exploration activities include a variety of different format activities for all interests and year groups. These are designed to give your more in-depth home-based learning experience to help you learn about multiple career options. Career exploration is an important step to help you identify your unique interests, talents and skills.
- Health Education England – HEE: https://www.youtube.com/
channel/ UCfhvc672Kkry1tiCMKnlK7A - The Wow Show: https://www.youtube.com/
channel/UCXDSgY0E_ aACHXcSqX14YNg - Medical Mavericks: https://www.youtube.com/user/
classroommedicstv - Disney Careers: https://www.youtube.com/user/
DisneyCareers - USAgov, Careers: a day in the life of: https://www.youtube.com/
playlist?list= PLDB4BCE9817AE7B43 - Creative Careers Stories: https://www.youtube.com/user/
Click on the career activities below: